"Open Doors Day" at UzAuto Motors Powertrain Joint-Stock Company Dedicated to International Anti-Corruption Day

In accordance with Protocol No. 10 from the National Anti-Corruption Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan's meeting on August 23, 2023, an "Open Day" event was held at UzAuto Motors Powertrain JSC as part of the Anti-Corruption Month dedicated to "December 9 - International Anti-Corruption Day."

In this context, to ensure transparency in the activities of UzAuto Motors Powertrain JSC, to ensure accountability before the broader public and citizens, to introduce the anti-corruption system's activities, and to establish communication with the media and citizens, the event was attended by representatives of the company, the Compliance Department of the Uzavtosanoat JSC, the monitoring department for production and financial risks, the Sergeli District Administration of Tashkent city, law enforcement agencies, suppliers, business partners, and representatives of commercial banks.




Participants were given a presentation and detailed information about the extensive reforms carried out in the automotive sector, particularly within the company, the anti-corruption system and its effectiveness, and the efforts being made to ensure transparency. According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev dated May 27, 2019, No. PF-5729, on measures to further improve the anti-corruption system in Uzbekistan, the requirement to implement a "Compliance Control" system in state-owned organizations by April 1, 2020, was established. Consequently, a "Compliance Service" was introduced in the company based on international standards and the fundamental principles of our legislation. The main goal of this system is to detect, assess, and eliminate corruption risks early and to effectively combat them. Detailed information on these matters was provided to the participants.

At the end of the event, participants and representatives of the broader public had their questions answered, and a special tour was organized, allowing them to closely observe the production process at UzAuto Motors Powertrain JSC and gain interesting insights into the plant's history and the production of internal combustion engines.