The issue of gender equality at the UzAuto Motors Powertrain enterprise is given great attention.

The issue of gender equality at the UzAuto Motors Powertrain enterprise is given great attention. There are many mechanisms to support it, such as our Women's Board project.

That is why representatives of our plant visited the building of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation today, where the finals of the Technovation Girls Uzbekistan 2023 competition and the UniSat program were held.



Technovation Girls is an international program aimed at developing skills in girls under 16 years of age. As part of the program, girls, with the support of various mentors, are engaged in solving environmental problems, green energy and gender equality.The UzAuto Motors Powertrain company awarded the “HEA Generation” team in the “Gender Equality and Equal Rights” nomination from Nukus.
The girls developed an app to report cases of gender-based harassment. We wish them good luck in their future endeavors!