Leadership message from the Deputy Managing Director of UzAuto Motors Powertrain JSC

Dear employees and partners of our company,

In accordance with the Decree No. PF-5729 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev dated May 27, 2019, "On Measures to Further Improve the Anti-Corruption System in the Republic of Uzbekistan", there was a requirement to implement a "Compliance Control" system in state-owned organizations by April 1, 2020. Consequently, our company has introduced a "Compliance Service" in line with international standards and the core principles of our legislation.

The primary goal of this system is to detect, assess, and eliminate corruption risks early and to effectively combat them.

In accordance with the Republic of Uzbekistan's Law on "Combating Corruption" and recommendations from the Anti-Corruption Agency, policies, procedures, methodologies, and regulations concerning anti-corruption and compliance control have been approved.

These policies cover the consequences of corruption-related offenses, the nature of conflicts of interest, recommendations for preventing and avoiding such negative situations, ethical standards that business partners of the company must adhere to, recruitment procedures, charitable and commercial sponsorship, combating money laundering and terrorist financing, sanctions, and export control. They consist of a set of 17 internal normative documents reflecting an uncompromising stance on corruption.

Currently, a specialized training program based on the ISO 37001:2016 international standard for anti-corruption has been provided for 21 employees holding responsible positions at UzAuto Motors Powertrain JSC, and they have successfully completed it.

During the past period of this year, the Compliance Service has conducted systematic and effective work in combating corruption, monitoring and identifying extensive risks, including:

  • Enhancing the effectiveness of channels for reporting corruption, creating opportunities for automatic recording of submissions and anonymous reporting;

  • Improving the recruitment system for vacant positions;

  • Including anti-corruption clauses in employment contracts;

  • Developing an internal document on the mechanism for reporting corruption cases, incentivizing informants, and protecting them from prosecution;

  • Completing the process of filling out declarations on conflicts of interest by employees;

  • Improving the system for checking counterparts;

  • Conducting assessments to identify corruption risks in the company's functions and duties;

  • Enhancing employees' knowledge and skills in combating corruption.

Dear employees and partners of our company,

Through this address, I ask for your support of the comprehensive anti-corruption efforts being carried out in the Republic of Uzbekistan, and to report any observed cases of corruption or suspicious and illegal situations to us.


Deputy Managing Director Sh. Shomirzayev.