Series of Sessions for Participants in Employee Development Programs

Часто soft skills называют навыками будущего, и с этим нельзя не согласиться. Именно они все больше востребованы в современном мире, независимо от того, в какой сфере и на какой должности вы работаете.



One of the most crucial soft skills today is public speaking. If you cannot effectively present yourself, your project, product, or company, achieving success will be challenging. Career and personal life often depend on the ability to clearly articulate your thoughts, persuade, and negotiate with others.

So, how can you develop public speaking skills? In April, our company’s internal trainers conducted a series of sessions for participants in employee development programs. These sessions covered practical topics such as: preparation for public speaking, verbal and non-verbal communication, and techniques for handling questions and answers during public speeches.